Written by makesense

In March 2023, we signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Climate Change Commission (CCC) to strengthen collaboration on managing plastic-related challenges.

The ceremonial signing of the MOA was led by CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje, Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera, with our Executive Directors, Angelli Recella and Carlos Hechanova.

From left: Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera, CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje, Makesense’s Angelli Recella and Carlos Hechanova. Photo by the Climate Change Commission

During the event, Borje highlighted the importance of a “whole-of-society” approach to climate change. 

“As we forge another partnership today, we hope that we will be able to facilitate the discussion and collaboration between public entities, the grassroots, and the private sector on exploring elimination solutions to single-use plastics in support of the policy-making function of the Commission,” he said.

The NOYPI Coalition

This partnership focuses on the NOYPI Coalition Program, adding the CCC to the more than 22 organizations that are joining us in reducing single-use plastic (SUP) waste. 

Following the signing of the MOA, Recella added: “This partnership allows us to develop lasting solutions to the climate crisis. Through partnership, we can really make change happen, towards a sustainable and plastic-free country and world.”

The activities outlined in the CCC-Makesense MOA are aligned with the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Act of 2022, ensuring that efforts to combat plastic waste are in line with national policies.

Want to get involved too? 

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